(BPT) – If you’re like most, you shudder at the idea of traveling during the holiday season. With all those long lines, tight timetables and crowded spaces, who wouldn’t feel like a Grinch? To add more comfort and joy to your journey, the travel and hospitality industries are quick to embrace innovation and new technology. From the time you hail the airport ride-share to the moment you step outside your hotel for an evening of holiday wonder, here are some travel tech advances to look for this season.
Nail the airport arrival: While you obviously don’t want to be late for takeoff, waiting an hour or more for boarding is wasted time you can’t get back. The good news is your mobile device can get you in touch with real-time updates on traffic, parking availability and security lines, so you can time your airport arrival with precision! A few days before your trip, do your homework and find out where that information lives, starting with the websites for the airport and your airline. Don’t forget to sign up for automatic flight check-ins.
Preserve comfort and cleanliness along the way: Airport restrooms appear high on the list of things that are awful about holiday travel. With all those large crowds, it’s hard for cleaning crews to keep dispensers well-stocked and restrooms clean and tidy. The emergence of the smart, fully connected restroom is about to change that. Thanks to the innovations of TOTO and GP PRO, travelers passing through one of the largest and busiest international airports can now count on a clean, comfortable experience — every time! The KOLO™ Smart Monitoring System harnesses the Internet of Things to ensure custodial staff receive real-time alerts right on their mobile devices when something needs attention. Whether there’s an empty soap dispenser, a jammed paper towel or even a toilet leak, they’ll get it fixed quickly with the help of cloud-based wireless technologies and cutting-edge sensors and sensing technology.
Make check-in a breeze: Now that you’ve arrived to your destination, you’re ready to relax. The good news is, many hotels are transforming what it means to take care of their guests through technology. For example, mobile check-ins and app-enabled locks mean you can walk past the long line in the lobby, and have your feet up in the comfort of your room in no time.
Redefine luxury through the everyday: The finest hotels are always early adopters of things that elevate your daily routine. For example, top establishments across the U.S. and Canada feature WASHLET in the bathroom of every guest. Warm, aerated water followed by warm air drying offers guests the unique comfort of hands-free personal cleansing. WASHLETS feature the latest in responsive touchless technology so you don’t even have to raise the lid or flush. To discover a hotel with these high-tech, luxury bidet seats, use the resource guide at washlet.TOTOusa.com/experience-it.
Connect to the celebration: Digital connectedness can also help your traveling self get the most from your getaway. Tune in during the holidays, and you’ll discover no shortage of fun and festivities at your destination of choice. Opt in to apps with location-based notifications and alerts about all the holly-jolly events, seasonal dining experience and winter wonderlands taking place all around you.
Technology and innovation have the power to enhance our lives with more comfort and better convenience, changing what it means to live and make our way around the world. Discover more about the luxury that TOTO brings into everyday life through its cutting-edge technology by visiting TOTOusa.com.